
  You really should consider the long-term impact of your words Are you absolutely positive or is your so-called proof just for the birds? Because all the nasty names you call and the hurtful things you say, Are liable to come back on you, are you prepared to live that day? What will you do …

Today’s Tarot

An article about Tarot cards, tarot card history and tarot card readings. What, exactly are Tarot Cards?  Before I get into that, I'd like to explain what they are not. Most people have preconceptions about Tarot.  They picture the stereotype of a gypsy woman, her head swathed in a scarf, big hoop earrings, crystal ball and …

How and Why Undocumented Workers Pay Taxes and File Tax Returns

How and why illegal immigrants obtain social security numbers that allow them to work in the U.S. In order to legally work in the U.S., a person must have either a social security number or be issued a temporary number with a work visa. So this big question is this: How are undocumented workers able …